Unser Freund Jason Ray von BotBq hat einen längeren Artikel veröffentlich zum Thema „3dPrinted Food“ den wir euch nicht vorenthalten möchten.
Can 3D printing food save the world? (Dun-Dun-Duuuuun!)
I asked myself this question and of course did a little research on this topic to come up with some ways that I believe and know how 3D food printing will have an impact on earth, our future, and humanity in general. Some of these things are already taking place, and some may seem a little out in the future but most will happen sooner than later as the #3DPrintedFood hashtag is cruising along every day, and you know about what happens to hashtags after a while right…. (cue bad joke sound here). So I hope only to invoke some conversation on this topic and maybe even inspire someone to take this discussion even further and possibly act on it as well. I am doing so with the BotBQ, but in a little less lifesaving way.
Den kompletten Artikel findet ihr (in englischer Sprache) auf ALL3DP.com
Das Thema ist extrem spannend und wird von uns auch die Woche im Objekt der Woche angesprochen – stay tuned.
Awesome! Thanks so much for sharing Nils!