Tag Archiv: Tutorials

Michael Sorkin, is the co-founder of iGo3D, one of Europe’s leading 3D printing retailers. Fascinated by 3D printing technology, Michael decided to launch Germany’s first 3D printing retail store in 2013. Today, iGo3D has three retail locations in Germany and is expanding internationally. iGo3D is all about bringing 3D printing into the life of regular people. They offer a steadily growing selection of everything you need for your own 3D printing projects. Web: IGo3D.com Follow Michael on: […]

Tips für 3dDruck Anfänger: Tip 10 von Michael Sorkin

Charles Fried is a product designer aiming to be the forefront of the digital manufacturing revolution. He believes in a world where items are traded in a digital format and where automated customization would be at the center of the design process, increasing both personal value and functionality. Charles is currently studying for my MSc in Adaptive Architecture whilst also running Prodpoint.com a design & 3D printing service. Work seen on: Shapeways, Thingiverse, Reuters & many […]

Tips für 3dDruck Anfänger: Tip 9 von Charles Fried

Florian Horsch is an active long-time member of the 3D printing community. After early work on the Ultimaker platform he co-founded HypeCask.com. The Bayreuth-based team focused on customer-specific 3D printing projects as well as contributing to the development and distribution of the huge Delta Tower machines. Since 2012 Florian shares his broad experience in the book 3D-Druck für alle with a wide audience. Nowadays Florian is poised for the exploration of new frontiers in 3D […]

Tips für 3dDruck Anfänger: Tip 8 von Florian Horsch

Josh Ajima is a Northern Virgina based teacher who runs the blog Design Make Teach. As a teacher, he believes that he can make a difference by engaging students in the process of Making. On his blog, Josh shares his experience around 3D printing and digital fabrication in the classroom. Blog: designmaketeach.com Follow Josh on: Twitter 3D Druck Philosophie für Anfänger: Ein 3D Drucker ist eine Person und kein Ding. Es ist die Kombination aus  der Person […]

Tips für 3dDruck Anfänger: Tip 7 von Josh Ajima

Philip Cotton is the founder of the 3dfilemarket.com an independent marketplace to share and sell verified 3D printing designs. He is also a full time educator who has been awarded the 3dprintshow educational excellence award for two consecutive years for his teaching of 3D printing to high school students. He has advised the BBC on 3D printing and also taught university students about 3D printing in education. He was named as one of the top […]

Tips für 3dDruck Anfänger: Tip 6 von Philip Cotton