FabCon 2014 in Erfurt is over now.
3dDinge participated on two days, Pro- and Consumer (Friday, Saturday). In direct neighborhood of the Makerbot booth we presented visitors the Makibox LT, the Neo (available soon) and the e3 v5 Hotend.
After an early ride by train (4 am) from Muninch, i’ve reached the FabCon in Erfurt and began to setup our booth.
Beside the Makibox Beta (wich, so far, hasn’t really run successfully in over a year, but was used at the FabCon to fix the Ultimaker 2 from FreeForm4U) and a Makibox HT with a lasered MDF Case (which will get a pretty awesome Graffiti upgrade soon) we had some alternate HotEnds and some Special Materials like LayWood/LayBrick with us.
- 3dDinge @ FabCon 2014
- 3dDinge @ FabCon 2014
- 3dDinge @ FabCon 2014
- 3dDinge @ FabCon 2014
The most exciting part of the FabCon3D definitely was the Sessions although i haven’t got the chance to watch a lot of em, because of the amount of talking with visitors and exhibitors. There where real pearls like Joris Van Tubergen, who talked about the 3DCanalHouse and his KamerMaker and Josef Prusa, a legend of the RepRap community.
My personal highlight – all talks where recorded and are available on the FabCon3Ds Youbtube Channel – Kudos, that’s something i’d love to have for every Conference/Faire: FabCon3D Youtube Channel
Besides 3dDinge i’ve evangelized 3dHubs as Mayor of the Munich Hub, the 3dPrintingAssociation and the upcoming Make Munich (November)
The Exhibitors list read like a Who-is-Who of the european 3dP scene, with BotSpot, the Berlin posterchild of the CopyMe3d-phenomenon, Makerbot respectively their german Distributor Studio Hafner, ColorFabb with their new genius Bronce-Filament (only genuine with Metal chippings, very heavy/valent), our favorite Book Author Florian Horsch from HypeCask, David Braam of Ultimaker (as speaker) who talked about Cura and our friends from Mr Beam in the Startup Area.
I had a lot of wonderful chats with other makers, exhibitors and especially liked the contrast of old time professionals and new enthusiastic makers. The next days will be all about fostering new contacts, extending our own range and a new article series „Which printer fits me?“
That was one of the most interesting discoveries i made when talking to the visitors – that they don’t had any idea of what they actually need to realize their own ideas.
We’ll be there next year for sure, maybe even with our own session or workshop.
The Brady Bunch – v.l.n.r Nils Hitze, David Braam (Ultimaker), Jeremie Francois, Jason Ray (BotBBQ)
Big thanks goes out to Florian Horsch, without whom we wouldn’t have visited the FabCon in the first place and who inspired me to join the 3dP scene in 2012.
Kudos to the Faire Orga, by name Ulrike Hemmann and Diana Keucher for the flawless order of events and the support.
And to Florian Bautz from GermanRepRap and FreeForm4U for the Logistics Support!
Jason Ray from BotBBQ, the epic Burger Printer that Jason presented at OS3DC for the first time (afaik), posted some impressions here.
Gina Häußge from OctoPrint, who we had as guest at our booth with heir PrintrBot collected some photos and impressions.
And here is our gallery
- FabCon Drucke
More reviews:
- Heise: 3D-Drucker und Scanner auf der FabCon 3D und Rapid-Tech
- FabCon3D Youtube Channel
- Trinckle: trinckle @ FabCon 3.D 2014
- 3d grenzenlos: Rapid Tech/Fabcon mit Besucherzuwachs
- 3dPrintingForBeginners: FabCon 2014
- FabCon 3D: Impressionen 2014
- FabCon 3D: Pressemitteilung zum Abschluss der FabCon/RapidTech 2014